BBQ - something that i liked when i first got here, there were free BBQ's, every week and it was simple - sausages, onions and bread, with sauces kept on the side with some cold drink. Then as weeks passes, hot dogs were getting boring and eventually i got sick of it.
Its the same everywhere actually, have the same thing too many times and you can get sick of it.
Next is Sports...

Now this is something i can never get too much of and there is too much here.
Main sport here in Perth is Footy, its an aussie version of Rugby, separate rules and all. Hockey,Cricket and Soccer are quite popular here.
And here comes..BEER!
Alright,i know, at the sight of this word, some people will go "oooh" and "aaah", some parents will adjust their spectacle frames and look closely at the word and this article and some wont be bothered. Well firstly because its not in our culture where there were somethings that were "forbidden" to even think about. Whether it was watching a 18+ movie when you were 12, dieing your hair when you were in school, or getting a tatoo when you got into college. Obviously,a different country will have different cultures and drinking is a culture in this country.
Although people drink alcohol here like water, there are some that know their limits and some that have no idea when to stop, and when that happens, people do embarrasing things, stupid things and things you cannot imagine people would do in a sober state.
Point is slightly different here than the BBQ,
Have the same thing too many times and YOU"LL get sick!
And as for kangaroos, havent seen one anywhere other than the zoo and the wildlife park. Although i hear kangaroo meat is pretty tasty here...will try that sometime.
Culture and tradition is something to treasure and pass on. It shouldnt stop you from trying new things, but dont forget where you're from.
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