The place to chill out...hehe..
Cooking took place after we all woke up...which was somewhere after lunch...although out plan was to cook by lunch...yes..thats IST Indian standard timing....
Started off with Jennifer,Shreosi,Prashant and iron chef prith(:P) , went grocery shopping then met up with raufa who helped us alot with the cutting and chopping of grass and other veggies..
Well everyone helped out here and there...
Heres the host!.."owner" of the joint!
here's head chef and assistant chef cutting stuff..will leave it up to you to decide whos head and whos assistant :P
Ahh this was our first customer who just happened to come 4 hours early...and instead helped us out alot...with entertainment and thats a lot of chopping....and chopping...and cutting and more chopping... zzzzzz......zzzzz...
Heres TZE~!
Here's raita lady...famous for her raita....dunno what she puts in it..but its good!!, she wanted to expand her horizons in her cooking vocabulary so she made a sweet dish called 3 in 1 sugi,paisam and shondesh!!!!! INgenious! only the people present actually know what happened... ;)
Here's the result!!!!
Heres a picture of all our dishes put together... oh yeah...Iron Chef prith made the prawn...cant be shown on the site...not allowed for publication...
Suren and Joy came by next to judge the food and give us grades...the food was soo good they forgot to grade it ;) Joy helped out in making the tandoori chicken...
Suren was in charge of music and entertainment.. :P check out you tube to see what i mean...
Just for an idea of what was made and by who..:
Bangladeshi Creamy Potato Salad - Jennifer
Masala Chicken Briyani - Jeniffer
Tender Tandoori Chicken - Joy
One-of-a-kind vegetable Briyani - Prashanth
Springy masala Prawn Curry - Prithvijit
Infamous white raita - Shreosi
3-in-1 sweeeeet sugi - Shreosi
Amazing entertainment and DJ style Music - Suren
Special Thanks to the people without whom the party could not have been possible: Raufa and Tze!!!!
All Rounders(Cutting(alot of cutting),Inspiration,Timekeeping,Tasting,Camera-woman)
I'll let your taste buds salivate for a bit...
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