Friday, August 29, 2008

Cup of tea

hmmm... a little spicy,
he said three, she came at four,

a little sour,
she wanted perfect, he only came in faulty,

a little salty,
the talk was heavy but then they felt weightlessness,

and a pinch of sweetness,

.......... in a cup of tea.

hmmm... a dose of chilli,
he liked bread with cinnamon,

a squeeze of lemon,
and her chocolate sundae was done,

a drizzle of salt,
he said he would call,

and a trinkle of sugar,
....... in a cup of tea.

hmmm... a bit of anger,
she cared less and less

a bit of sadness,
to go with that mess,

a bit of dissapointment,
the talks got heavier and pointless,

and a bit of happiness,
......... in a cup of tea.




shreosi said...

interesting poem :)

pman said...

interesting in a good or bad way??

shreosi said...

interestin in a gd way..tho u cld haf made it better..

pman said...

any tips or tricks you could share with me, since you yourself are a "poet"?

shreosi said...

hmm not reallyy...hehehe :P

Anonymous said...

nigga knows yo!~ good shit dawg~! keep 'em comin.. haha

Anonymous said...

That of course was obviously me.