Friday, November 24, 2006


Left on a jet plane to the land where mamak stalls rule...

It was "hell" packing up my room in Perth and getting ready to go. After a year, you just have too much stuff you never knew you had. Coming home was fun, but it wasnt too much fun saying goodbye to some, although its only for 3 months.

Just when you thought, "yes , almost there, just 5 hours of flying and i'm home", but noooo.... there has to be a glitch. Pilot comes on the speakers and announces "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking...bla bla bla", says that the flight plan hasn't been sent to the control tower for approval so we have to wait until they do.

Wait....wait...waiting......(Half an hour)....still waiting......

Finally after 45 mins, pilot says the flight plan has been approved and we can fly.


5 hours later......

"Cabin crew, please be seated for landing...."

Touch down in KLIA...

ahhh.....the humdity hits the skin like never before, which i dont mind for the time being..

Home cooked food, driving over the speed limit(what a relief!), eating some more and spending time with friends and family.....

Just some of the things, that are worth coming back for...

I havent posted in a while, so will try to catch up with some of the due events ... so be on the lookout for more posts on past and present events.


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