No, its not another birthday..
But this event takes place twice a year, it gets you more high than anything else, it will keep you up longer than you stay up on new years and every time it feels like your first time!
The joy of exams and its symptoms have been with us since we were enrolled in pre-school. Starting from harmless colouring books, to writing a story about your favorite holiday, they were all tests in some way. Either testing your colouring skills or your imagination. Dont expect it to be the same a decade and more later because things get harder, tests get harder, we should have gotten smarter(I'm sure some of us have).
Now we have lab tests, oral tests, and ofcourse exams. After all its just another major test on which our future depends on, so its nothing to worry about(hint:sarcasm).
Syptoms of this exam are usually the enourmously unnecessary intake of fattening food and drinks like coffee, milo,junk food and other unhealthy stuff.
When it comes to exams, people become a little more "jumpy" than usual, its like lighting a match in a fuel tank of a plane, the explosion is so tremendous, you won't know what hit you!
Alot of records are broken during the pre-exam period, the record of staying up the most, sleeping the most, eating the most, studying the least and ofcourse my favorite..talking crap about the unit and its lecturers the most.
Well the joy i'm talking is about all that. Its not easy, its not too hard, just enjoy it(in your own way)..
Theres just a litle more to say...
Stay Cool, Stay Calm, and if you want to vent out that little bit of stress....laugh your heart out! you'll feel better...
Goodluck for your exams..
See you on the other side....
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